Jeff Brewer has produced the latest newsletter for members. Click below to read.
Members should familiarise themselves with the rules appropriate for safe and enjoyable shooting. Click on the files below:
Members wanting copies of files not normally available for the general public (eg the Club's constitution) please contact the Club Secretary, Sarah.
The following documents provide useful/important information for members:
At a recent Committee meeting we considered the roles and responsibilities of the Club's various Officers. Dave Furby kindly revised the pre-existing list of roles and responsibilities and the new list can be viewed via the button below.
We are stressing the opportunity that exists for any Club member to play a more active role into operation of the Club by volunteering to assist in any of the responsibilities listed in the Roles and Duties list. If you feel that you would like to help in any way please talk to one of the Committee members.
SAFEGUARDING It is important that we are all aware of the need to safeguard ourselves and others, especially minors and vulnerable adults. Dr. Jon Driscoll is the appointed Safeguarding Officer for the Club. Please feel free to approach him with any concerns you may have about safeguarding.
The following are links to information on safeguarding from Archery GB.
Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People Policy
Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People Reporting Procedures
Good Practice Guidance
What is Abuse Guidance
A beautiful range in glorious Somerset countryside, whatever the weather!